1900 E. Morgan Ave. Evansville, IN 47711 evansvilleoffice@cefindiana.com 812-422-2136

Christian Youth In Action (CYIA)

Christian Youth In Action®

CYIA 2024 Dates are May 28 -July 19! See below for details.

Here to give to a Summer Missionary’s support?

Has your teen ever wanted to go on a missions trip but cost, logistic issues, or lack of availability made it impossible? Do you desire to give your junior high or high-school aged child an unforgettable summer experience that will both challenge and strengthen them to grow in Christ and cultivate friendships, habits, and experiences of eternal value? Look no further than CEF’s Christian Youth In Action® (CYIA™) program!

At CYIA™, young people ages 12 and up are trained to serve in their local CEF® chapter in 5-Day Clubs and other gospel outreaches to children over the summer.

Teens ages 14 and up are trained as Summer Missionaries (SMs), who learn firsthand the nuts and bolts of the true missions experience, including intensive training, gaining real-life field experience with teaching and counselling children, and participating in basic support raising.

Preteens (ages 12-13), are trained as Missionary Assistants (MAs), who help share club responsibilities such as teaching memory verses, leading songs, and aiding the Summer Missionary team in other club details. Missionary Assistants are considered volunteers and are not involved in support raising.

In this practical, disciplined, safe, and rewarding atmosphere, Christian young people are challenged and strengthened in their walk with Christ as they cultivate Godly relationships and gain eternal value from their commitment to serve. Invest in summer of the lifetime with Christian Youth In Action®!

Need CYIA info in your mailbox? Know someone who should participate this year? Click below to request a mailed CYIA info packet! Or visit us to pick one up in person!

Local Pretraining begins Tuesday, May 28-30, 2024.

Main Training will be held on the Marion, IN campus of Indiana Wesleyan University from Saturday afternoon, June 1 – Friday, June 7 .

5-Day Clubs will be held starting Post-Training week on June 10 until the week of July 19. (Clubs will NOT be held the week of Independence Day, July 1-5.)

CONTACT CEF of Evansville for more information on Summer 2024!